Job Advert
NHS Scotland is committed to encouraging equality and diversity among our workforce and eliminating unlawful discrimination. The aim is for our workforce to be truly representative and for each employee to feel respected and able to give their best. To this end, NHS Scotland welcomes applications from all sections of society.
We are delighted to invite final year Nursing Students to apply for Band 5 positions within NHS Ayrshire & Arran. We have opportunities available across all branches of nursing.
NHS Ayrshire and Arran is an innovative, improvement focussed Board with exciting transformational change plans in place for our services of the future. Our Board purpose is: Working Together to achieve the healthiest life possible for everyone in Ayrshire and Arran, and to achieve this we are committed to continual improvement in population health, service delivery and care experience.
We are committed to supporting all newly qualified practitioners to undertake and complete the Flying Start Programme in your first year of employment.
The attached Application Guidance provides further information on opportunities available, informal contacts and guidance on completing your preferred specialty and locality.
Preferences will be considered however placement will be based on current vacancies.
Our NQN recruitment with NHS Ayrshire and Arran will be via Jobtrain and will go live on Friday 10th March 2023.
We would ask all NQNs to use this recruitment avenue to apply for a post where possible rather than specific posts.
The application form on Jobtrain will ask people to highlight preferences. This will be through area and a specialty (Examples being Surgical University Hospital Crosshouse or Community Nursing South Ayrshire). We cannot be as specific as ward at this time until we know where all our vacancies will be.
We anticipate having posts for all NQNs and we will be having interviews in a face to face environment to support our new nurses.
Closing date for applications is Friday 31st March 2023. Late applications will not be accepted.
Interviews will take place over a number of weeks commencing 17th April 2023.