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Estates Manager Band 7 – Decontamination & Dental - Electrical
The post-holder requires highly developed specialist knowledge across the range of work procedures and practices underpinned by theoretical knowledge and relevant practical experience, evidenced by academic qualification to Degree level in an appropriate subject with demonstrable experience of working in a healthcare or industrial/commercial building services environment, endorsed with an Electrical post graduate qualification.
Ideally the post holder is required to be an incorporated engineer member of a registered Engineering or Building Institute (e.g. Institute of Electrical Engineers, Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estates Management etc.).
Highly developed technical knowledge of complex plant, equipment & services, acquired through academic development, experience & training courses & maintained through Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
Good managerial skills acquired through academic development, experience & training courses enabling post-holder to motivate, manage, direct & support staff & contractors. Post-holder also has the ability, gained through experience to manage work priorities & emergency situations in a controlled fashion as they arise.
A good working knowledge of statutory & mandatory guidance, e.g. Health & Safety Legislation, Scottish Health Technical Memoranda, Scottish Health Building Notes, Technical Standards etc. Normally obtained through experience and by attendance and study at internal & external training courses, duration ranging from one day to one week.
A good working knowledge of local administrative procedures, e.g. Human Resources, Standing Financial Instructions, Fire safety & Response Procedures. Normally obtained through experience and by attendance and study at internal & external training courses, duration ranging from one day to one week.
Informal Contact: Chris Haddow 0141 232 7437
Details on how to contact the Recruitment Service can be found within the Candidate Information Packs
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde encourages applications from all sections of the community. We promote a culture of inclusion across the organisation and are proud of the diverse workforce we have.
By signing the Armed Forces Covenant, NHSGGC has pledged its commitment to being a Forces Friendly Employer. We support applications from across the Armed Forces Community, recognising military skills, experience and qualifications during the recruitment and selection process.
For application portal/log-in issues, please contact Jobtrain support hub in the first instance.