The closing date for this job has now passed.

Job reference: 172444
Salary: Consultant (£96,963 - £128,841)
Job closing date: 14/12/2023
Job Type: Medical and Dental
Location: Forth Valley Royal Hospital
Employment type: Permanent
Hours Per Week: 10
Job posted date: 30/11/2023
Employer (NHS Board): NHS Forth Valley
Department: Out of Hours

Job Advert

4 hours per week Leadership and 6 hours per week Clinical     


•    To provide clinical leadership to OOH service improvement in  Forth Valley working with the Health and Social Care Partnership(HSCP), Primary Care, Secondary Care  and       management teams in order to improve service delivery 

•    To provide clinical leadership in support of current Clinical GP Lead OOH  in all aspects of the delivery of safe and effective OOH Services. 

•    To work with the relevant Senior Leadership Team / HSCP  to agree a medical workforce model for OOH services

•    To support the development and delivery of new, safe and effective clinical pathways for all OOH scenarios.

•    To support program of education and mentoring of GP trainees in the service. 

•    To assist CL OOH in investigating complaints and significant clinical incidents

•    To assist CL OOH in identifying, investigating and reporting governance issues relating to Clinical Staff and non clinical staff.

•    Clinical duties as mutually agreed as per standard Out of Hours clinical work.

Applications in the form of a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae and a written statement in support of your application should be submitted to the following email address by the closing date of: 23:59, 14th December 2023.

NHS Scotland is committed to encouraging equality and diversity among our workforce and eliminating unlawful discrimination. The aim is for our workforce to be truly representative and for each employee to feel respected and able to give their best. 

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