The closing date for this job has now passed.

Job reference: 004388
Salary: Clinical Fellow - (£32,961 - £51,828)
Job closing date: 27/09/2019
Job Type: Medical and Dental
Location: Royal Hospital for Children
Employment type: Fixed-term
Hours Per Week: 40
Job posted date: 27/08/2019
Employer (NHS Board): NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Department: Paediatric Anaesthesia

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These posts are available from February 2020 for a period of 6 to 12 months and offer advanced sub-specialist training in the Paediatric Anaesthesia. The posts are based at the Regional Specialty Centre, at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow a leading Paediatric training centre in the UK.  In addition to general paediatric anaesthesia, sub-specialities include neonatal, cardiac, neurosurgery, major airway, diagnostic imaging, regional anaesthesia and acute and chronic pain. Research and audit are encouraged. These are exciting and challenging clinical posts for those wishing to have a major interest in paediatric anaesthesia in the future. It is preferred that applicants  hold Certificate of Completion of Specialist training in Anaesthesia or equivalent on starting the post.  These posts are not suitable for applicants wishing to pursue the MTI route.

For further information please contact Aarti Shah on 0141 452 4316.  

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