Job Advert
Céad míle fáilte – a hundred thousand welcomes
BAND 5 Salary Scale £25,351 - £31,996 per annum
Permanent Full Time / Part Time
Are you newly qualified or just about to qualify as a nurse or midwife? Then we are keen for you to join our team.
We have a number of posts available in a wide variety of settings and locations across the Highlands. These roles include caring for people in their homes or one of our community or acute hospitals or in mental health care.
You will be highly motivated and passionate about delivering person-centred care and be able to work effectively within busy teams.
We want to ensure the people who work in our organisation are well cared for and we will encourage and support your continuing education and clinical skills development.
As part of our commitment to supporting newly qualified nurses & midwives, you will have an induction programme which will link you with other graduates in your environment. This will support you to complete Flying Start NHS® which is part of the NHS Highland NMAHP graduate programme – this is to help/assist you in your first year of qualifying.
We want you to have the opportunity to consolidate your learning and develop knowledge, skills and competence in supportive learning environments.
We recognise the value and contribution newly qualified nurses and midwives bring and you would be warmly welcomed by our teams.
If you have any queries please email
PLEASE NOTE – this will be the PREFERRED ROUTE for applications at this time for newly qualified adult and mental health nurses.
Closing date for completed applications: 18/06/21