Job Advert
This is a part-time permanent post for 22.5hrs.
Your role will be to work as a member of the NHSGGC prescribing support dietetic team. The objectives of the team are to improve the quality and cost effectiveness of prescribing for patients across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. You will work closely with GPs, other practice staff, community pharmacists and dietitians, care home staff, members of the primary healthcare team and central team colleagues in supporting the development and application of high quality, safe, cost effective, rational and evidence based prescribing in the HSCP’s. You will support the Community Pharmacy Nutrition Support Service, prescribing support initiatives linked with the recent Scottish Government prescribing recommendations for prescribing of oral nutritional supplements, work on joint projects/initiatives within the HSCP’s as required and promote awareness of prescribing management issues. You will be a registered dietitian and registered with the Health Profession and Care Council.
You must be able to demonstrate a commitment to Continuing Professional Development and have significant post registration experience. You will be required to travel between GP practices/Health Centres to carry out the post, so you are expected to become an authorised car user.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde encourages applications from all sections of the community. We promote a culture of inclusion across the organisation and are proud of the diverse workforce we have.
Details on how to contact the Recruitment Service can be found within the Candidate Information Packs.
Informal Contact: Una Cuthbert, Contact Number 0141 201 6012/07534919346, Email