Job Advert
We are looking for an experienced Paediatric Dietitian to job share in the specialist area of Paediatric Renal. The Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow is one of the largest paediatric centres in the UK and is a national and tertiary referral centre for a wide range of paediatric specialties. The Paediatric Renal Service is a national service for renal transplant and provides renal replacement therapy for children in Scotland. The dietetic service provides support for in –patients and ongoing monitoring post discharge for a wide range of renal conditions. The post holder is also the lead specialist dietitian for the Scottish Paediatric Renal and Urology Network (SPRUN) and provides training and support in paediatric renal dietetics to paediatric dietitians across Scotland. Applicants will have a BSc (Honours) Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics or equivalent, be registered with the HCPC and have relevant post graduate training in paediatric dietetics at master’s level or equivalent. You will have substantial clinical experience in a broad range of paediatric dietetics, including renal. Applications will be considered from dietitans with experience in adult renal disease who can demonstrate a core knowledge of paediatric nutrition and growth.
Informal Contact: Fiona Clark, Dietetic Service Manager, Tel No: 0141 451 5616
Details on how to contact the Recruitment Service can be found within the Candidate Information Packs
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde encourages applications from all sections of the community. We promote a culture of inclusion across the organisation and are proud of the diverse workforce we have.
(Please note the salary is Pro Rata) for part time hours.